Fun facts about an Interior Designer. Thursday 16 October 2014

Are you looking for a designer who is right for you? Or you want to know  what the process is really like? Today i will share with you my experience and insights based on the culture of Tezza.

What is an interior designer? The popular image of an interior designer screening around fabric swatches and building materials covers only a small part of what we do.. 
As a  decorator, interior designers can help you choose fabrics, furnishings and paint colors. Interior designers who are also certified are able to offer additional expertise in construction standards, project coordination and more. 

Here’s what i'd like you to know about what and interior designer can help you in Tezza..

1. We are be able to work with you even in a different city.
Do realize is that we work across Malaysia,
 “A lot of people often email us that they wished we were located in their city or state.I know Tezza is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, but we ever expanding and we’ve worked on homes and commercials in almost every state. This process surprisingly easy and similar to how we work with our local clients.Do read our 3rd note.

Do cann us for enquiries.

2. Like other professionals or speciallst, we do go through a rigorous education and training process.
A good  way to qualify an interior designer is to look at their education and make sure it matches up with what they do for a living.Take into account both a design-related education and portfolio history to get the fullest picture of your interior designer’s qualifications for your project.

3. We use the latest technology to help you envision a new space.
AutoCad and other tools are often used for space planning, codes and so on. These tools are specialized to allow interior designers to look at your space in a way you might not have imagined. We can work up a digital rendering that is incredibly realistic, allowing you to visualize your space accurately even in other states before making a commitment,

4. We are expected to coordinate our project to safety standards and building codes. 
An interior designers are required to know current building codes and regulations so we can ensure the safety of your project.

Everyone at Tezza are always commited to work with your vision … and expand it.

Kenneth Lim
Founder of Tezza