Shine Bright Like A Diamond Saturday 27 July 2013

As glamorous as diamonds are, the truth a diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure. Diamonds start out as something far less beautiful than what you see. They are formed when extreme heat (found 200 miles into earth’s ground) and extreme pressure leading to crystallization of carbon atom which then creates diamond. Just as lowly coal can become a lovely diamond, any small or new businesses has the potential to become something great.

Indeed, the rough diamond must be well polished for the true luster of the stone to ever appear. The process is definitely not easy. Just like a business, you must experience hardship before resurgence of drive that moves the business for a greater start.

Established companies will have got used to succeeding without reinventing or innovating. However, if a company fails to reinvent itself from time to time, it won’t be able to adapt to changing conditions. It and its products will eventually end up obsolete. The advantage of being a newcomer in an industry is that you can separate yourself from the best companies and embrace the necessity of change and find ways to profit from it. As long as you keep reinvent yourself, your business will shine and last for a longer lifespan.

When Tezza Kitchen was first established, no one knew who we were. Soon when the established guys wonders how a small company like us captures bigger clients compared to them, they then see us shine. Whichever industry you are in, if you stay focus with your team, there will be opportunities waiting to be seized. No one can stop you. The only one who holds you back is yourself.

You can have all the money in the world and you can have all the brilliant ideas but if you don’t have the people, forget it.  – Tony Fernandez

Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough. – Mary McLeod Bethune